‘Bridling Turmoil’ and Violence Is Hong Kong’s ‘Overwhelming Priority,’ States HKMAO
Sept. 4, 2019 (EIRNS)—In a press conference yesterday in Beijing, Yang Guang, spokesman for the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council (HKMAO), issued a call to all of Hong Kong’s public institutions, including the executive, legislative and judiciary branches, to fight “violent criminals” and put an end to almost 14 weeks of anti-government protests and violence. “Bridling turmoil and curbing violence” must be the city’s “overwhelming priority” Yang said.
Yang insisted “we must show no mercy and pursue until the end ... those key violent criminals and their backstage managers, organizers and agitators,” South China Morning Post reported him as saying. He underscored that any discussion of universal suffrage, one of the demands of protesters—harkening back to similar demands in 2014 protests—would adhere to the Basic Law and decisions by the National People’s Congress Standing Committee.
What is known as the “831 framework,” means that chief executive candidates are selected by a nominating committee, voted on by the public, and finally appointed by the central government. “Hong Kong’s suffrage can only be done this way, there is no other choice,” Yang said.
He also emphasized that everyone has the right to protest, through marches and gatherings, as long as these are done peacefully and lawfully. The law under One Country, Two Systems allows this, he explained. But, he continued, radical protesters are “lunatics,” as seen in their “pro-independence” actions, which include burning the Chinese flag, throwing it into the sea, and vandalizing national emblems. According to Global Times, Yang said that the behavior of some radical protesters goes well beyond that of normal citizen protest, instead showing “clear signs of terrorism.” Thei