Mogul Jimmy Lai Confesses, Hong Kong Color Revolution Is About Bringing Down Xi Jinping
Sept. 8, 2019 (EIRNS)—Jimmy Lai, the Hong Kong mogul who has served the neocons in the U.S. and U.K. in financing and sponsoring the Hong Kong riots both in 2014 and today, was interviewed on Fox Business News by Maria Bartiromo on Sept. 6, making it very clear that the target of the color revolution ongoing in Hong Kong is not ultimately Hong Kong alone, but China as a whole, and bringing down President Xi Jinping in particular.
Lai met with Paul Wolfowitz in 2014 to coordinate the “Occupy Central” (“umbrella revolution”) movement at that time, and this year met with Vice President Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo and John Bolton (and others of the neocon circle) in Washington to orchestrate the violent riots in Hong Kong (euphemistically known as “peaceful democracy protests”). On the Fox show, Lai started with his normal lie that “democratic Hong Kong” is threatened by the encroachment of Beijing, destroying the “rule of law.” Then he let it all out—Xi Jinping is the source of the problem, he said, but Xi will not realize his dream of being “dictator for life.”
“He brought all the power to himself,” Lai said, “but that means he brought all the accountability to himself, and now he is in big trouble. The economy is in big trouble. His own party’s power struggle is very severe. A lot of people lost their jobs. Young graduates can’t find jobs.
“Xi Jinping is the most absolutist dictatorship in all of human history,” Lai ranted, explaining that it is largely due to facial recognition technology.
“They know everything you do. If you do something wrong, they won’t allow you to open a bank account, or buy an airplane ticket.... People have never had such suppression. The resistance is now suppressed, but if the economy goes down, this emotion can explode. A big problem for China.”
Bartiromo began the interview by announcing that Fitch Ratings—the economic-hitman operation and part of the imperial color revolution team in the City of London and Wall Street—had downgraded Hong Kong. Fitch did so openly on political grounds, asserting that Hong Kong is at greater financial risk, not because of social unrest, but because it is becoming more integrated into China’s national governance system.