Helga Zepp-LaRouche Greets Schiller Institute NYC Chorus ‘Living Memorial’ for 9/11
Sept. 9, 2019 (EIRNS)—The Schiller Institute New York City Chorus performed a Memorial Concert on Sunday in honor of the 9/11 victims. The following is Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s greeting to the event, titled, “Let the Stones Speak”:
To all of you gathered for this concert held in memory of those who perished in the fateful attacks of September 11, 2001, and those who perished in its ongoing aftermath, whether in war, or due to the medical problems caused by the rescue and clean-up, I send my heartfelt greetings.
Today, September 8, happens to be the birthday of my beloved late husband Lyndon LaRouche, who was passionately committed to the cause of justice for all mankind as a whole, and especially the case of 9/11. In 2016, in response to a question from a military veteran about the first responders who had perished along with many others on that clear September morning, my husband said the following:
“We have to set up some kind of memorial, a living memorial for people who died in that case. That would do something. Because the United States so far has failed to do anything about that—a few handfuls of people have been concerned with that. But we have to get the humiliation expressed by the people as a whole, for their failure to defend life, human life, when that life was needed.”
To understand what my husband meant by humiliation, one might look to the works of the great German poet for whom the chorus is named: Friedrich Schiller. Schiller personally felt a great humiliation on behalf of mankind, when the French Revolution turned out to be nothing but a violent bloodletting, which he described in his poem Song of the Bell. He wrote his Letters on the Aesthetical Education of Man to address the great shortcomings of the population of Europe, which had met a moment of great opportunity with such small hearts and minds.
This is why the work of the chorus is so very important to the development of mankind, because when people are ennobled, tragic events do not lead to self-perpetuating continuing tragedy, but rather become the catalyst for a greater good, and in that way those who lost their lives are immortalized by the sublime actions of future generations.
As my husband wrote in 2001 in a statement entitled, “Faith, Hope, and Agapē”:
“Therefore, let the stones speak; let Creation itself testify to the manifest intention of the Creator, as it did to Johannes Kepler, and to Carl Gauss after Kepler. Let the relevant evidence speak for itself, as Moses Mendelssohn taught and demonstrated. Let the relevant evidence speak for itself, as the cognitive powers of the individual mind are capable of reenacting, and thus verifying universal physical principles, including principles bearing upon our notions of the nature of the relations among man, God, and nature.”