Happer Quits National Security Council, as Scientific Review of Climate Change Is Stymied
Sept. 17, 2019 (EIRNS)—Physicist William Happer left the National Security Council and returned to academia on Sept. 13, various media reported last week. As the reports go, Happer had agreed to take the position for only a year in the first place, and since his proposed President’s Commission on Climate Security has been put on ice, he resigned as he had initially intended.
Happer, like many scientists, rejects the assertion that all scientific debate over “man-made climate change” is settled, and he proposed that the commission initiate the urgently needed scientific review of the natural and human influences which actually determine changes in the Earth’s climate. The climate crisis crowd mobilized everything in their power to stop its formation. They feared Happer, who is no lightweight. In 1985, he chaired the National Academy of Sciences study on laser fusion; while serving as Director of Emerging Technologies at the NSC, he was key in formulating the President’s March 2019 Executive Order on hardening American infrastructure from electro-magnetic pulses.
Caleb Rossiter, Executive Director of the “CO2 Coalition” founded earlier by Happer to fight against the absurd idea that CO2 is a pollutant, told E&E News on Sept. 12 that Happer’s proposals “were taken extremely seriously” at the White House, and that Happer had “injected a little backbone into Trump’s generalized strong distrust of the climate crisis narrative.”
But Happer’s proposed climate science review was opposed by various Trump Administration officials, according to media accounts. Presidential science adviser Kelvin Droegemeier was one of those reported to have opposed the commission, on the grounds that it could be harmful to Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign to question the “climate crisis” narrative.
Droegemeier’s “election concerns” smell disingenuous. A meteorelogical computer modeler who espoused the man-made climate ideology before being named to head the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, his appointment to that post was strongly endorsed by none other than John Holdren, President Obama’s science adviser who was a notorious advocate of reducing the population of the world, along with his close allies Paul “Population Bomb” Ehrlich and Commander of the British Empire Hans Joachim “John” Schellnhuber.