China Tells Pelosi and Others in Congress To Stop Interfering in Hong Kong
Sept. 19, 2019 (EIRNS)—On Sept. 18 Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was joined by Republican lawmakers at a news conference with Joshua Wong, the Hong Kong color revolution darling, and pop singer Denise Ho, to promote the so-called “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act.” She sided with their demand for fully democratic elections and thanked them for “challenging the conscience” of the Chinese government and the world.
At the Chinese Foreign Ministry today, spokesman Geng Shuang was asked about this and replied strongly.
“Recently we have repeatedly stated China’s solemn position on U.S. interference in Hong Kong affairs with erroneous words and deeds. Certain politicians like Ms. Pelosi still won’t tell right from wrong. They held the press conference threatening to push the Hong Kong-related act and met with separatist forces for ‘Hong Kong independence.’ With uninvited comments on Hong Kong affairs, they are grossly interfering in China’s domestic affairs. We deplore and strongly oppose that.
“I will reiterate that Hong Kong affairs are purely China’s domestic affairs and no foreign interference shall be allowed. We strongly urge the U.S. to abide by international law and basic norms governing international relations, earnestly respect China’s sovereignty, stop interfering in whatever form in Hong Kong affairs, stop pushing the relevant act on Hong Kong, stop endorsing violent and radical forces in Hong Kong and separatist forces for ‘Hong Kong independence,’ and stop instigating words and deeds undermining the stability and prosperity of the Hong Kong SAR,”
he told his ministry’s daily briefing today.