Democrats’ Latest ‘Impeachment Rush’ Is a Weapon for Trump
Sept. 21, 2019 (EIRNS)—Yet once again, U.S. Democrats and anti-Trump media have proclaimed a smoking gun that will impeach President Donald Trump. But this story—that the President had asked Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in a phone call for an investigation of Burisma, the company Joe Biden’s son Hunter worked for—looks like a sword with its edge turned toward Biden.
The Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson said a “whistleblower” was upset by this Trump-Zelenskiy phone call and reported it to him. But it turns out the “whistleblower” is a member of the National Security Council of the recently departed John Bolton, and is probably not a member of the intelligence community at all; hence the whistleblower statute does not apply. Secondly, Atkinson is a veteran of “coup central” at the Justice Department, the National Security Division, having served as counselor there in 2016 and 2017; he was pushed for his present position by then-Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, who sat on all of the information being sought about the coup.
The Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire took this report directly to the DOJ Office of Legal Counsel and got an opinion: The statute did not apply, and the Constitution, Article II, gives the President complete authority over what may be the content of his conversations with foreign leaders.
EIR has extensively covered Ukraine’s involvement, under its NATO-controlled Poroshenko government, in the coup attempt against Trump: the Chalupa family and the Democratic National Committee; former State Department official Victoria Nuland’s early role in promoting the dodgy Christopher Steele dossier; and the setup of former Trump associate Paul Manafort via a faked black book of cash payments.
As for Joe Biden, he was Obama’s point man on Ukraine. Hunter Biden’s sudden, novice employment as an executive of an apparently very corrupt Ukrainian company is a major vulnerability for his father. It appears that Joe Biden got Viktor Shokin, a prosecutor investigating Burisma, fired by making U.S. aid contingent on his firing. This contrasts to Trump’s conversation with Zelenskiy in which, Inspector General Atkinson has had to admit, no quid pro quo was offered if Zelenskiy’s government were to investigate Shokin’s firing.
Depending on President Trump’s handling of the affair, it could lead to actual exposure of the Ukraine coup as a touchstone of the British coup against him; and could knock Joe Biden out as a Presidential candidate.