BIS Regime Change, Starts Central Bank Printing of Greenie Money
Oct. 1, 2019 (EIRNS)—For the Federal Reserve-sponsored central bankers’ meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyoming in August, the huge Wall Street firm BlackRock LLP—stocked with former central bank executives—produced a “shocking” proposal. Time for central banks to take over fiscal policy, the spending of so-called public funds, from governments, it proposed, and called it “regime change.” They would do this, in BlackRock’s scheme, by directly printing money and having “committees of experts” direct governments or other institutions on how to spend it. Furthering this takeover was Bank of England Governor Mark Carney’s even more “shocking” proposal to replace the dollar with a global digital currency controlled by central banks. Thus easily, central bank “printing” über alles. In the six weeks since then, the world’s biggest “private” banks, and central banks led by Carney, have made it explicit that this “regime change” is to be used to force “green” investment and kill fossil-fuel (“carbon”) investment, including in Africa, South America and Asia where it this will cause the premature death of many millions.
Green New Dealers got the message; Sen. Bernie Sanders and other backers proposed the many trillions for their Green New Deal be freshly printed by the Federal Reserve.
Another step in the “regime change” was announced Sept. 30 by the Basel, Switzerland-based Bank for International Settlements—the so-called “central bank of central banks” with its now mostly hidden Nazi origins. A BIS press release says it has
“launched an open-ended fund for central bank investments in green bonds. Responding to a growing demand for climate-friendly investments among official institutions, the BIS’s green bond fund initiative helps central banks to incorporate environmental sustainability objectives in the management of their reserves.”
To interject some plain English: How do central banks get these reserves to manage? They print them, or in their terms, create them.
The release goes on: “With the support of an advisory committee drawn from a global group of central banks, the fund pools BIS client assets [interjection: ‘BIS clients’ are central banks] to promote green finance through sizeable climate-friendly investments and support the adoption of best market practices to deepen the green bond market....
“The initiative is part of the BIS’s broader commitment to supporting environmentally responsible finance and investment practices, in line with the Bank’s participation in the Central Banks and Supervisors Network for Greening the Financial System. Commenting on the launch, Peter Zöllner, Head of the BIS Banking Department, said: ‘We are confident that, by aggregating the investment power of central banks, we can influence the behavior of market participants and have some impact on how green investment standards develop.’ ”