Second Faux ‘Whistleblower’ Sent in from the Bench
Oct. 7, 2019 (EIRNS)—In the information warfare operation which is upon us, a new, second anonymous whistleblower has been called from the bench, as President Donald Trump observed in a tweet. And his stroll into the game is heralded by Washington’s breathless scribes as yet another instance of the walls closing in as they are hit by word “bombshells.” In reality, the hearsay complaint, drafted after contact with Adam Schiff, and handed to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community—who turns out to be a recent veteran of the effort to take out Trump by the Justice Department’s National Security Division, and who then changed the rules for processing such complaints—is being batted out of the park by the President’s allies.
Breitbart has an article today laying out the full story of the law firm which is producing the faux whistleblowers, all of whom appear to be a coven of holdover veterans of John Brennan’s CIA, a gossipy CIA knitting circle. (Aaron Klein, “Attorney for Impeachment ‘Whistleblowers’ Actively Sought Trump Admin Informants,” Oct. 6, 2019) Matt Taibbi expresses outrage about this over at Rolling Stone, contrasting the faux whistleblowers with actual whistleblowers like Bill Binney. (Matt Taibbi, “The ‘Whistleblower’ Probably Isn’t,” Oct. 6, 2019)
Breitbart’s Aaron Klein traces the whistleblower’s attorney Mark Zaid and his co-founder of “Whistleblower Aid,” John Tye, to a network of left organizations, most of which circle back to the megabucks funders of the Democrats, George Soros and Pierre Omidyar, and other Silicon Valley billionaires who also funded Christopher Steele after he was fired by the FBI. In particular, Klein writes that Whistleblower Aid, founded in September 2017, placed ads all over Washington, D.C. seeking government employees to come forward against President Donald Trump.
Appropriately, Klein focuses on the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP)—the NGO funded by the British and U.S. governments directly for targeting the former East Bloc countries, in particular—as a major source in the faux whistleblower’s complaint. OCCRP has been literally tailing Rudy Giuliani throughout his efforts to explore Ukraine’s role in attempting to take down Trump. Bruce and Nellie Ohr, Glenn Simpson, and Christopher Steele all have associated in the past with this entity.