New Trump Commission Takes Aim at Dope, Inc.
Oct. 28, 2019 (EIRNS)—President Donald Trump today created, by Executive Order, a new Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice. Under this directive, the Attorney General is given wide latitude as to the size and composition of the Commission, which can draw on government and industry sources for membership and/or advice. The Commission has one year to produce a report for the Attorney General and the President, after which it will be dissolved, or continued, as considered necessary.
Leading the list of problems to be addressed by the Commission, are the effects of Dope, Inc.’s drug war against the American population.
“The continued malign activity of transnational criminal organizations, and the widespread abuse of drugs trafficked by such groups, are challenges that confront our communities and law enforcement” reads the introductory “Purpose” section. This is spelled out later in the list of “Functions” the Commission will address: “[C]hallenges to law enforcement associated with mental illness, homelessness, substance abuse, and other social factors that influence crime and strain criminal justice resources.”
Another indication that this is targetted at Dope, Inc. is Section 4, which authorizes the Commission to look into “refusals by state and local prosecutors to enforce laws or prosecute categories of crimes,” which would apply to any and all states which have legalized—in any form—marijuana usage, in defiance of Federal Law, under which it is still illegal.
There is another aspect to this story: The name chosen by Trump is an exact copy of a federal commission created by President Lyndon Johnson in 1967. There, too, we find that the final 200-page report of Johnson’s Commission devoted an entire section to “Narcotics and Drug Abuse,” at the time when their effects were only beginning to be felt on the streets and in the courts. In their recommendations, the 1967 report stressed: “The growing problem of narcotics and drug abuse in this country must be attacked by strengthening all approaches: Law enforcement, rehabilitation and treatment of drug users, and public education on the dangers involved.”