Draghi’s Masters Want Him as President of Italy
Oct. 31. 2019 (EIRNS)—Former European Central Bank President Mario Draghi’s masters want him to become the next Italian President, so that supranational fascism can continue effectively in Italy on “automatic pilot.” However, current President Sergio Mattarella has two more years in his term. Therefore, the problem is how to fill the time gap.
The current Five Star-Democratic Party (M5S-PD) governing coalition is already cracking, and people say the “yellow-red” regime will not likely last two years. The name of Mario Draghi has already been raised as a candidate to replace Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. “Draghi is jobless and I don’t think he will apply for unemployment benefits,” said the Lega party’s number two, Giancarlo Giorgetti, a few days ago. “Maybe he is available and somebody is calling on him to play a political role. Those who decided to make Conte Prime Minister could easily decide to replace him with Draghi.”
But Draghi would never agree to go to the government, from which he would fall faster than you can spell the name “Monti.” Therefore, a Draghi-proxy must be found to stay there at least one year, in order to ensure that the current Parliament (where the Lega is weak, and the Democratic Party plus Five Stars plus auxiliary troops have a majority) votes in the next State President.
This narrative is backed by Luciano Barra Caracciolo, a sovereignist constitutional lawyer who was a member of the executive in first Conte government of the M5S and Lega.
Barra Caracciolo sees a scenario of a “state of exception” (state of emergency) which would justify a Draghi-proxy to take over the government and suspend the constitution as per the JP Morgan script. In his reductive view, however, he sees an Italian banking crisis as a result of EU policy triggering such a state—in reality, it is much more likely that the crisis is triggered by the explosion of the global financial system.