Climate ‘Scientists’ Insist Human Population Must Be Cut, in Latest ‘Climate Emergency’ Fraud
Nov. 6 (EIRNS)—An Oregon State University based group calling itself the “Alliance of World’s Scientists” (AWS) published a new Chicken Little “Warning of a Climate Emergency” yesterday in BioScience, endorsed, they say, by 11,258 “scientists.” As intended, the media have widely publicized the warning’s assertion that “Earth Needs Fewer People To Beat the Climate Crisis,” as Bloomberg headlined its coverage.
The scientific merits of AWS’s work is best demonstrated by the fact that one of the contributing reviewers to this “Warning from Scientists,” is none other than Paul The Population Bomb Ehrlich, who has been warning for decades that the end is nigh because of human beings. In 1967, the Los Angeles Times reported Ehrlich’s insistence to a University of Texas symposium, under the headline “Dire Famine Forecast by ‘75,” and quoted Ehrlich saying that it is “Already Too Late.” Ehrlich elaborated that “the population of the United States is already too big, that birth control may have be accomplished by making it involuntary and by putting sterilizing agents into staple foods and drinking water.”
The latest from AWS is not a “new” warning, but an expanded version of a statement published in BioScience by the same crew in December 2017. That became the founding statement of the AWS, but that statement, AWS reports, takes off the first “World Scientists Warning to Humanity,” issued in 1992 by the Union of Concerned Scientists, an elite network of “former” military-intelligence and weapons specialists which has long led in opposing the development of nuclear power in the United States.
These self-named “scientists” offer “vital signs” to be used by policymakers, media, etc.—a set of graphs premised on the wildly-radical British oligarchic argument that it is the “breadth of human activities” which threatens the planet. Since the climate crisis is “closely linked to excessive consumption,” they claim, their graphs purport to measure such “profoundly troubling signs from human activities” as: “sustained increases in both human and ruminant livestock populations [i.e., cows], per capita meat production, world gross domestic product, global tree cover loss, fossil fuel consumption, the number of air passengers carried, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and per capita CO2 emissions since 2000,” and “encouraging signs,” such as “decreases in global fertility (birth) rates.”
For them, the big problem is that human population is “still increasing by roughly 80 million people per year, or more than 200,000 per day.” They insist: “the world population must be stabilized—and, ideally, gradually reduced.”
The statement couches this hideous proposal in reassuring blather about reducing the number of people in the world “within a framework that ensures social integrity,” etc.