‘Moderate’ Bloomberg Is the Climate Extremist Foe of Trump
Nov. 13, 2019 (EIRNS)—When President Donald Trump bluntly denounced the Paris Climate Accord on Tuesday in New York, he was standing up against his presidential challenger from London, billionaire Michael Bloomberg. Having adverted himself as a “moderate” Democrat, Bloomberg is actually the most extreme climate-change fanatic candidate as well as the wealthiest, and the only British oligarch to run for the American Presidency since Aaron Burr. Though unelectable, he is running in order to boost his stated “Beyond Carbon” campaign to shut down all coal-fired and oil-fired power production in the United States—let alone nuclear reactors—leaving the country to freeze and starve in the dark when the finicky wind turbine gears and solar panels ice over.
Back when Bloomberg’s positions had him living in colonial New York City, the LaRouche Political Action Committee created a stir there by portraying him as “Mousolini”—he shares policies with the Italian Fascist dictator, but his chin is British.
In addition to residing now in London, UN Special Envoy for Climate Action Bloomberg this year became the top United Nations official in charge of preventing investment in fossil fuels worldwide. In January, he asked by UN Secretary General Guterres to form the private-sector Climate Finance Leadership Initiative (CFLI) to “facilitate the private financing objectives included in the landmark Paris Agreement.” That Paris Accord of 2015, and subsequent UN conferences on it, have demanded that every country cut its use of coal and oil for all purposes, by 50% or more by 2030. Bloomberg is more fanatic than that: As he boasted to the UN Climate Action Summit in September, his “Beyond Carbon” campaign has already closed half the coal-fired power plants in the United States, and will close the rest of them before 2030.
He doesn’t do this population-wrecking work alone. Just in this Climate Finance Initiative which he runs with his Bloomberg LP Vice Chair Mary Schapiro, Michael Bloomberg is joined by the CEO of the world’s biggest and historically most criminal bank, HSBC’s John Flint; as well as the CEOs of Goldman Sachs, Macquarie Bank, Allianz Global Investors—a London crew right out of Charles Dickens. And Bank of England Governor Mark Carney is his partner in the central bank division of the global green new deal, the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TFCD). LaRouche PAC exposed TFCD in its mass-circulation pamphlet, “ ‘CO2 Reduction’ Is a Mass Murder Policy: Designed by Wall Street and the City of London.”
Bloomberg is mass murder’s candidate for President, far more radical than the likes of Sanders and Warren, far more determined to see Trump removed, and ready to spend $500 million on Democrats all over the country to see that happen.