Pope Francis Decries Use of Nuclear Power as ‘Selfish Decisions’
Nov. 27, 2019 (EIRNS)—Speaking on the plane returning from his trip to Japan, the Satanic Pope Francis not only attacked the use of nuclear weapons but also took aim at nuclear energy, suggesting it represented a threat “to creation,” and to “our common home.” Breitbart News reported today. In the future, he warned, “we cannot make purely selfish decisions ... we must choose a humble and sober way of life that recognizes the urgent realities we are called to face.” Live in grass huts, with no electricity?
Francis was echoing remarks made while in Japan, in which he cited the position of Japan’s Catholic bishops, who had called in March of 2011 for the abolition of nuclear power following the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in the aftermath of Japan’s worst earthquake and tsunami, both secular and Catholic media reported. “Important decisions will have to be made about the use of natural resources, and future energy sources in particular,” he said.
On his plane trip home to Rome, the Pope warned that
“an accident can always occur. Nuclear energy has limits ... because we have not yet achieved absolute security.... You could tell me that even electricity could cause a disaster due to a lack of security, but it would be a very small disaster. A disaster at a nuclear power plant would be a major disaster. Security systems have not yet been resolved. It’s my personal opinion, but I wouldn’t use nuclear power until it’s completely safe. Some say that it is a risk to the care of creation and that the use of nuclear energy must be banned.”
There have, however, been no deaths attributed to nuclear contamination in the Fukushima accident, either at the time or since.
As for himself, Francis said, “I’m drawing the line at security. There is no guarantee ... that a disaster will not occur.... Then there’s creation, the disaster that nuclear power causes to creation, to the human person.” As evidence, he offered the Chernobyl disaster that occurred 33 years ago. However, UN figures give at most 47 radiation-related deaths over 20 years.
“I think we have breached the limit with regard to the environment,” he said, decrying the use of pesticides, whose banning has provoked mass demonstrations of farmers throughout Europe. And, he said further, look at the “rearing of chickens that doctors tell mothers not to feed their children because they give them hormones and are harmful to their health. There are so many rare diseases today due to the misuse of the environment. Either the care of the environment takes place today or it never will.”