Will Trump Get To Battle Democratic Dinosaurs on Green Fascism?
Dec. 2, 2019 (EIRNS)—If the intelligence agencies’ war coup (“impeachment”) against President Donald Trump can be beaten down during the first weeks of December, a fight on much more crucial grounds could develop: “Green” fascism under the claim of a so-called climate emergency, vs. investment in advanced nuclear power and a crash program—“Project Artemis”—in human space exploration. The battle would pit a propaganda war, spending hundreds of millions of dollars of Mike Bloomberg and other Wall Street billionaires, joined by various senior Democratic has-beens, against the President and the growing forces lining up for Lyndon LaRouche’s “Four Laws” policy of physical economic revival.
Bloomberg, among the few Democratic Presidential candidates who have called the House impeachment circus a waste of time, is already making huge ad purchases on social media. It sounds like what the intelligence agencies and the Mueller investigation claimed Russian trolls were doing, but for real, and with thousands of times more money. And this Facebook and other social media blitz by Bloomberg is entirely separate from his $31 million television ad campaign for this week alone, and just a warmup for his war against Trump. CNBC reports he is planning to spend $100 million solely on digital ads to attack President Donald Trump. His Presidential campaign advertising, which is expected to spend $500 million in 2020, is being run by former Facebook Chief Marketing Officer Gary Briggs. Moreover, at least for the primary season, Briggs will find himself at war with former Google executive Sonal Shah, who is policy director for Pete Buttigieg.
The has-beens are taking their places. Ex-Presidential candidate and Secretary of State John Kerry on Nov. 30 announced a climate emergency “coalition” he calls “World War Zero.” Bipartisan but not much, the “coalition” lists Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Hitler admirer Arnold Schwarzenegger and never-Trumper former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, as well as Leonardo DiCaprio and other Hollywooders. Kerry said on their new “World War Zero” website that they want to “make the world respond to the climate crisis the same way we mobilized to win World War II.” And “town hall” meetings around the country beginning in January. “We’re going to try to reach millions of people ... in order to mobilize an army of people who are going to demand action now on climate change sufficient to meet the challenge.” World War Zero, it says in the small type, is a partner of the American Security Project.
This sounds very much like what Bloomberg claims he is going to do at the same time, using a massive wall of advertising money which could reach $200 million in a couple of months.