Democrats Just Can’t Get It Straight on Impeachment
Dec. 4, 2019 (EIRNS)—Yesterday, in a press conference following release of the Democrats’ 300-page report motivating impeachment proceedings, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) coyly announced that he hasn’t yet decided whether he supports impeaching President Donald Trump, the Daily Caller reported today.
He told CNN’s Manu Raju that he’s “going to reserve any kind of a public judgment on that until I have a chance to consult with my colleagues, with our leadership, and I think this really needs to be a decision that we all make as a body.” Could it be that Democrats “as a body” don’t all agree that impeachment is wise, or that it will produce Schiff’s desired result?
In short order, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told CNN that she hasn’t yet decided, either, whether House Democrats will impeach Trump, and won’t do so until the Judiciary Committee holds its hearings. “Sources” told the Washington Examiner that she won’t commit to any timeframe. One of her senior staffers, Chad Pergram, told Fox News that it’s not likely the House can vote on impeachment before Christmas, because “it’s too complex” to do it so quickly.
The Gateway Pundit maintains that many Democrats are panicking, and are now quietly debating expanding impeachment articles beyond the Ukraine issue, going back to the discredited Mueller report, because they realize their narrative isn’t selling the public on impeachment. Gateway Pundit also states, as has been reported elsewhere, there is internal debate, “as red-state Dems push back against impeachment and want to keep the investigation focused only on Ukraine rather than roll out the stale Mueller report.” Pelosi reportedly doesn’t have the votes right now to move forward with a full impeachment vote, and that’s why she’ll drag the whole process into 2020.
Signalling this nervousness, Rep. Eric Swallwell (D-CA), the former presidential pre-candidate, who had loudly proclaimed his support for impeachment a few months ago, is now singing a different tune. After Schiff made his “undecided” comment, above, Swallwell yesterday answered “no” to a question on whether he’s decided that the President should be impeached.