Assad Points to China’s Belt and Road as Key to Syria’s Future
Dec. 16, 2019 (EIRNS)—In an interview with China’s Phoenix Television, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stressed the importance of China’s economic relationship to Syria, including China’s Belt and Road Initiative. The first question from the interviewer was on reconstruction in the areas of Syria that have been liberated from the terrorists. Assad said that reconstruction begins almost immediately and focuses first on the hard infrastructure, such as electricity and roads, and then moves on to the soft infrastructure such as schools and hospitals. “However, the most important stage in reconstruction, which comes later and constitutes the most serious challenge for us, is restoring daily activity especially economic livelihood,” he said. “This requires a great deal of effort and is affected by internal factors and the external environment—namely the embargo imposed by Western countries on Syria, which has a negative effect and slows the process down.”
Assad said, China “specifically provides assistance in reconstruction particularly in the humanitarian domain.” But discussions have begun with Chinese companies experienced in reconstruction, he said, which includes discussions on finding ways to evade the Western sanctions.
“I would like to emphasize that this support is not limited to the economy; reconstruction ultimately means contributing to Syria’s stability for two reasons. First, in the past two years, millions of Syrians have returned from abroad without finding sufficient job opportunities, which in itself is a factor that can be used by terrorists and outside powers. Second, the reconciliation we have achieved in Syria was in part with those who worked with the militants or the terrorists at a certain period. They agreed to lay down their weapons and return to their normal lives—this return requires job opportunities. So, the support from China and other friendly countries in Syria’s reconstruction, is as important as the military efforts to restoring stability in Syria, and striking and fighting terrorism.”
In the Belt and Road Initiative, Assad sees much more than just an opportunity to rebuild Syria. “From a strategic perspective, it constitutes a worldwide transformation, a transformation in the nature of international relations. If we look at the current situation in the world, we see that it is governed by Western attempts of domination, particularly on the part of the United States,” he said. But China has an entirely different perspective. China, Assad said, is “trying to strengthen its influence in the world. But what kind of influence? It is not the negative influence we have become accustomed to, but rather an influence in the sense of relying on friends and an influence based on mutual interests.” Later, discussing the relative size and power of the countries, Assad continued,
“This new approach is derived from history but is suitable for the 21st century; it is an approach built on parity. When we are part of this [Belt and] Road, China treats us as equals and not as a superpower dealing with a small country. There are mutual interests: it is beneficial to China, Syria and all the countries on this Road.”
The full translation of interview transcript is available on the official Syrian Arabic News Agency (SANA): “President al-Assad: ‘The Belt and Road Initiative’ Constituted Worldwide Transformation in International Relations.... There Will Be No Prospect for U.S. Presence in Syria.”