Judge Emmett Sullivan Performs to Type in Insane Attack on Flynn’s Attorney Sidney Powell
Dec. 17, 2019 (EIRNS)—In a decision issued yesterday, Judge Emmett Sullivan denied all of Gen. Michael Flynn’s pending motions for discovery of exculpatory evidence and dismissal of his case for outrageous government misconduct.
When Sullivan first encountered General Flynn directly, in December 2018 at his first sentencing date, he launched into an unhinged rant accusing the General of “treason” and “selling your country out,” despite the fact that the plea before him was a simple 1001 false statement charge, with the government itself recommending no jail time. Flynn’s new attorney Sidney Powell had attempted over and over again to remind Judge Sullivan about the case for which he is rightly famous, overturning the 2008 conviction of Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens based on outrageous government misconduct. In a 92-page ruling, Judge Sullivan denied all of Flynn’s requests for exculpatory materials and directly attacked Powell, claiming that she plagiarized parts of the brief she submitted. Referring to Flynn as “Mr.” rather than “General,” Sullivan shot back that this was “not the case of U.S. v. Ted Stevens” and his Memorandum Decision brief fairly dripped with contempt for both General Flynn and his lawyer.
He set a Jan. 28 sentencing date for Flynn. It is clear that Judge Sullivan has a deep case of Trump Derangement Syndrome and that the disease is fairly epidemic with judges who have an allegiance to Barack Obama, not just in the heavily infected Washington, D.C. District Court, but also throughout the country. Only a thorough defeat of the impeachment insanity and those afflicted by it, including in the 2020 elections and a complete draining of the swamp will restore any semblance of justice in this country.