Paul Sperry Unveils How Horowitz Report Discredits Nadler as Impeachment Manager
Dec. 17, 2019 (EIRNS)—In an article for RealClearInvestigations on Dec. 16, investigative reporter Paul Sperry argues that all of the damning evidence provided by DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on FBI abuses proves absolutely that Rep. Jerry Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has no credibility as an impeachment manager or an honest broker.
For the past year and a half, Sperry points out, Nadler has defended the FBI from charges it had abused the FISA surveillance process, insisted that former Trump campaign aide Carter Page was a Russian agent and asserted that the dossier on Donald Trump by former MI6 spy Christopher Steele—paid for by the DNC—played no significant role in supporting FISA warrants to spy on Page. Raving about “conspiracy theories,” Nadler violently attacked ranking member Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), when he produced a memorandum documenting FBI surveillance and other abuses, and implied that Nunes had lied about what he had read in classified applications and supporting documents.
Nunes’ denunciation of the FISA warrants, Nadler raved, was “embarrassingly flawed.” One source quoted by Sperry emphasized that by publicly defending the FBI against charges of egregious surveillance abuses, Nadler in effect gave federal officials a Congressional blessing to illegally spy on American citizens.
With the Horowitz report now proving that Nadler was wrong about pretty much everything, the New York Congressman, like his cohort Adam Schiff (D-CA), at the very least has egg—or something worse—on his face. Sperry quotes unnamed Hill sources saying that as a result of Horowitz’s findings, which concur with those of Devin Nunes, it’s now clear that it was Nadler, not Nunes, who was misrepresenting the documents and misinforming the public. A Republican Congressional aide remarked, “Two years ago he tried to impeach the Nunes Memo, and now the inspector general has exposed that effort as an embarrassing piece of dishonesty. So why should anybody trust him now to be an honest arbiter of the facts in impeaching the President?”