Democrats, as New Robespierres, Plan Permanent Impeachment Chaos
Dec. 18, 2019 (EIRNS)—Washington Examiner’s Byron York warned the White House yesterday that it had better prepare for a “Brett Kavanaugh model of impeachment,” where as one charge fails, another is introduced. He pointed to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s demand that four witnesses not interviewed by the House for its impeachment “investigation,” now be called before the Senate during the trial, John Bolton and Mike Mulvaney among them. Schumer needs to get just four Republicans to join the 47 Democratic Senators in supporting this demand to force it through, York pointed out.
“If Schumer gets what he wants, it seems hard to believe that will be the end of it. The request for more witnesses appears designed to lead not to closure but to reopening the case against Trump. In this way, if Democrats can introduce new testimony in the trial, they can say the new testimony has raised new questions that will require new investigation. And a new investigation will require more new witnesses, which will surely lead to more new questions, which....”
Likewise, demands for other new witnesses could come out of the House Judiciary Committee’s filing in federal court yesterday for the release of material from Mueller’s grand jury, York writes.
York’s warning still falls short of the scenario of permanent impeachment chaos until Trump is ousted, being prepared by a group of House Democrats led by that rabid advocate of euthanasia and green economic death, Oregon’s Rep. Earl Blumenauer.
The Washington Post reported today that Blumenauer is organizing fellow Democrats to support the idea espoused by Obama advisor and Harvard constitutional law Professor Laurence Tribe in his op-ed, “Don’t Let Mitch McConnell Conduct a Potemkin Impeachment Trial,” in the Dec. 16 Post: thus, that the House should vote up the articles of impeachment against Trump, but not transmit them to the Senate for trial until such time as the conditions have been created for the President to be convicted.
According to the Post story, promoters argue that
“the trial could be delayed indefinitely, denying Trump an expected acquittal.... Blumenauer said that if McConnell does not agree to call the Democratic witnesses andstage a fair trial, Democrats could simply hold on to the articles indefinitely and continue to investigate Trump. The House is involved in multiple court cases seeking documents and testimony that have yet to be resolved. ‘Who knows what would happen to augment the record? This ought to be able to play out,’ he said. ‘There’s no advantage to rushing this.’ ”
Blumenauer claims he has spoken to three dozen Democratic lawmakers who expressed some enthusiasm for the idea.