Viewed from Abroad, Impeachment Exposes ‘Decay of U.S. Political System’
Dec. 18, 2019 (EIRNS)—Global Times commentator Shi Tian today reflected the effect on U.S. standing in the world resulting from the current extreme degradation of our U.S. republic by British parliamentary-style party politics. Shi argued in the Chinese state paper about the spectacle of the impeachment process:
“Democracy itself is a good thing, but the point is how to utilize it. Democracy is never the purpose, but an approach, of governing. A government’s primary job should be meeting the needs of the vast majority of the people and driving the country forward, which requires national consensus,” he wrote.
“In other words, it is true that all people should be entitled to freedom of expression. But when it comes to policymaking, democracy alone is not enough—democratic centralism is needed....
“Democracy has already been turned into a tool for party politics and a battlefield for different interest groups in the U.S. This is the tragedy of democracy. The decay of the U.S. political system has ruined democracy.
“With the strength the country accumulated for decades, the U.S. might be able to withstand the chaos caused by such democracy. But as U.S.-style democracy imposes an adverse effect on the rest of the world, can other countries and regions afford it?”