President Trump Defends Roger Stone, Gen. Michael Flynn, as Unfairly Hit by ‘Dirty Cops’
Dec. 25, 2019 (EIRNS)—When a reporter asked President Donald Trump, after his Christmas Eve videoconference with U.S. military serving overseas, if he would pardon political adviser Roger Stone, the President replied, “I hadn’t thought of it.” He then went on to emphasize, twice, very strongly, that what has been done to Stone, and to his first National Security Adviser Gen. Michael Flynn, and so many others, as part of what has now been shown to be “a big hoax,” was “very unfair.”
“Roger Stone was not involved in my campaign in any way other than the very, very beginning— before I think, long before I announced,” the President said. But, he emphasized, “I’ve known Roger over the years, he’s a nice guy. A lot of people like him. And he got hit very hard, as did General Flynn, and as did a lot of other people.... Now they’re finding out it was all a big hoax. They are finding out it was a horrible thing. We were spied on. My campaign was spied on.”
Stone “is someone I’ve known over the years,” although he wasn’t part the campaign except for very early on, he repeated, “but he’s a good person. And what they did to him is very unfair, in my opinion. And what they did to General Flynn is very unfair, in my opinion, and what they did to so many others.”
And now we find out it was done by “a bunch of dirty cops,” paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton, who used a phony dossier with the FISA Court, whose top judges are now looking into this, he went on. “These were dirty people, these were bad people, these were evil people. And I hope that someday I’m going to consider it my greatest achievement or one of my greatest achievements—getting rid of them. Because we have no place in our country for people like that.”
Stone, framed up by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the associated “dirty cop” operation denounced by Trump, is scheduled to be sentenced in February. His case is a hot one. He has publicly expressed his admiration for the decades of work of Lyndon and Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and their Schiller Institute, towards peace, and, as Associated Press nervously reported in a Feb. 19, 2019 wire, argues that LaRouche’s ideas had “an important backstage role” in electing President Trump. At part of his legal defense, Stone filed with the court last May an expert declaration from former National Security Agency Technical Director William Binney, documenting that the core of the “Russiagate” fraud—the alleged “hacking” of the DNC and John Podesta—could never have happened.