In Germany, ‘No War! Thank You Mr. President!’
Jan. 9, 2020 (EIRNS)—With this frontpage banner headline, Germany’s leading mass-tabloid Bildzeitung, which has for years run black propaganda coverage against Iran, today welcomed U.S. President Donald Trump’s remarks yesterday, thank him for having averted a catastrophe. The mainstream media hostility against Iran aside, the reality is that the vast majority of the German population are opposed to any military adventures and favor direct dialogue between conflicting political leaders.
Against that background, Bildzeitung today also carried a commentary by Wolfgang Ischinger, chairman of the Munich Security Conference, to the same effect. Ischinger calls for an independent, high-level person who has the respect of both sides, to mediate in the conflict between Washington and Tehran. Europe should contribute to finding such a mediator, he says. Ischinger’s idea can be expected to also play a role on the agenda of the next international Munich Security Conference, which will be held on Feb. 14-16.