German Farmers Mobilize Huge Tractorcades, ‘No Farmers, No Food, No Future!’
Jan. 18, 2020 (EIRNS)—Again, and timed with the opening of the annual agricultural “Green Week”—the international agriculture exhibit in Berlin—hundreds of farmers took to the streets with their tractors throughout German cities to protest against the free market ruining family farms, against the government’s excessive ecologist regulations, and against the uncertainty of farmers’ futures created by politicians’ decisions or indecisions. The biggest protest rallies were reported from Berlin, as well as from Mainz, Fulda, Dresden, Stuttgart, Hanover, Kiel, and Bremen, while other tractorcades with up to 200 rolled throughout Dessau, Halle, Magdeburg, Giessen, Saarbrücken, just to mention a few places.
“No Farmers, No Food, No Future” and “We Work for Your Food” were slogans displayed on placards on many tractors. A big sign in Berlin attacked Greenie politicians and Greenpeace: “They neither sow, nor do they reap, but they think they know everything.” Banners told German Agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner to finally become honest, and take a clear side with farmers against the EU Commission.
Another prominent target of attack was the recently signed EU free trade deal with Mercosur, which is expected to increase food imported from South America, at lower prices than in Europe, such as beef from Brazil.
Also targetted for attack, was the impossible situation of dairy farmers, who today receive €0.20 cents per produced liter, when parity would demand €0.40 cents/liter in order to make dairy farming profitable.