New York Times Continues Its Bolton Revival Operation
Jan. 28, 2020 (EIRNS)—Today’s issue of the New York Times’ contribution to the British coup effort, pushing the war-maniac John Bolton as the savior of the impeachment effort, includes both an editorial and a new “scoop.”
The editorial headline is: “Surprise, Mr. President. John Bolton Has the Goods. Who’s telling the truth about Ukraine? There’s one way to find out.” The content is typical Times fake news, such as: “Revelations from John Bolton’s book manuscript, which the New York Times reported over the weekend, have made impossible to ignore what everyone has known for months: President Trump withheld hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine to benefit himself politically, and against the strenuous objections of his top aides and both parties in Congress.”
But the Times also offered a new fake news story, under the title: “Bolton Was Concerned That Trump Did Favors for Autocratic Leaders, Book Says.” They claim that Bolton reports that “Attorney General William P. Barr was concerned about President Trump’s conversations with autocratic leaders in two countries,” naming China and Turkey. They go on that Barr “responded by pointing to a pair of Justice Department investigations of companies in those countries and said he was worried that Mr. Trump had created the appearance that he had undue influence over what would typically be independent inquiries.”
Attorney General Barr wasted no time debunking this nonsense. A statement from Barr’s spokesperson said that the Times (or Bolton, if he really said it—there are no quotes from his book) “grossly mischaracterized” the discussion, and that there were no “personal favors” or “undue influence” from the President. If Bolton really said this, Barr’s statement continued, then they were “his own view, which AG Barr does not share.”