Trump and Netanyahu, Minus Palestinians, Unveil President’s Peace and Development Plan
Jan. 28, 2020 (EIRNS)—President Donald Trump, together with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today presented the long-awaited “Deal of the Century” (as Trump calls it) for peace and development in Israel and Palestine. The Palestinians long ago broke all ties (other than counter-terror) with the Trump Administration, accusing it of a pro-Israel bias, after Trump moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, cut aid to Palestine, and recognized the Syrian Golan Heights as Israeli territory, as well as all the settlements in occupied Palestine.
The plan confirms those previous steps, but contrary to most speculation, it does call for a Palestinian State with a capital in East Jerusalem, Trump pledged to open an Embassy there if it works out. Israel is granted all it ever asked for—security control over the entire West Bank, a “demilitarized” Palestinian State (which would supposedly be lifted over time), and no “right of return” for Palestinian refugees within Israel.
Israel did agree to a four-year “land freeze” (presumably meaning no new settlements), while the establishment of the Palestinian State was being negotiated. The disconnected parts of the West Bank and Gaza which would constitute a Palestinian State would be connected by some means. The facilities at the Haifa and Ashdod ports would be made available to the Palestinians.
The published plan calls for: “a $50 billion Peace to Prosperity economic plan, which will spur the Palestinian economy. When properly implemented, the Vision will: Create more than 1 million new jobs; More than double Palestinian GDP; and Reduce unemployment below 10% and cut the poverty rate in half.”
The Arab League will hold an emergency meeting on Feb. 1 at the request of Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas, calling for Arab unity against the plan. The potential for a strong reaction from the Palestinians, perhaps a new intifada, is high. If the nations of the region unite, with support from Russia and China, then it would be possible to begin negotiations, both to avoid new violence, and discuss an acceptable route to a Palestinian State. The best start, and which is essential, would be for Trump to accept President Vladimir Putin’s invitation for a summit of leaders of the UN Security Council permanent five to counter the dangers of war, while bringing in the New Silk Road and get the development process moving immediately.