State of Play in Democratic Nomination Fight
Jan. 30, 2020 (EIRNS)—Bernie Sanders is surging in the early primary states and the Democratic establishment is in a state of panic. They have placed establishment figures, such as Barney Frank, in charge of key committees at the Democratic National Convention, excluding Sanders’ supporters in the same way they had in 2016.
In a demonstration of the fascist nature of the current party, Elizabeth Warren has called for, in effect, a Ministry of Truth which she would convene upon assuming the Presidency, criminalizing the spread of “disinformation” concerning American elections. She has also promised that she would set up an immediate criminal justice task force to investigate and prosecute members of the Trump Administration. Add to that the expose of her 35-person foreign policy team, published by the Grayzone website on Jan. 26: straight out of Obama-Hillary Clinton war party.
It is possible at this point that Sanders would win both the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary, with Biden re-emerging in South Carolina. Michael Bloomberg is now rolling out the mayors he has bought to support his green fascist program. Organizers are referred to two significant EIR articles detailing Bloomberg’s plan to eliminate the nation-state, replacing it with a feudal worldwide League of Cities under globalist control and an equally feudalist economy in which rebellious parts of the population have been eliminated. (See, “The British Genocidal Roots of Mayor Bloomberg’s Madness,” EIR, May 23, 2008; and “Rohatyn, Bloomberg Peddle Post-Nation-State World,” EIR, Feb. 29, 2008.)