Life Expectancy in United States Rises Modestly, Drug Overdoses Fall
Jan. 30, 2020 (EIRNS)—A U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report released today announced that U.S. life expectancy rose in 2018 (by a modest tenth of a year, to 78.7 years) after falling every year since 2014. (It was 78.9 years at its peak in 2014.)
A second CDC report the same day showed that there were 4.1% fewer drug overdose deaths in 2018 than 2017, mostly in deaths involving natural and semi-synthetic opioids, including drugs like oxycodone, which are commonly available by prescription. There were also declines in deaths involving methadone and heroin. Previously, drug overdose deaths had risen every single year 1999-2017.
This could be attributed to the progress which Donald Trump had been able to make even while the Establishment refused to allow him to move significantly towards his major election promise to rebuild and revolutionize the U.S. economy through modern infrastructure and an ambitious space program, plus re-enacting Glass-Steagall legislation.