Nevada Voters Defy Pundits—Sanders Wins Caucuses Decisively
Feb. 23, 2020 (EIRNS)—Bernie Sanders won a decisive victory in the Nevada caucuses on Saturday, Feb. 22, as voters rejected the scenarios put forward by establishment pundits. According to exit and entrance polls, Sanders led in all demographic groups except people over 65, and all ideological categories including those who identified themselves as moderates.
Following the vote, President Donald Trump tweeted,
“Looks like Crazy Bernie is doing well in the Great State of Nevada. Biden & the rest look weak, & no way Mini Mike can restart his campaign after the worst debate performance in the history of Presidential Debates. Congratulations Bernie, & don’t let them take it away from you!”
In a later tweet, Trump wrote:
“Are any Democrat operatives, the DNC, or Crooked Hillary Clinton, blaming Russia, Russia, Russia for the Bernie Sanders win in Nevada. If so I suggest calling Bob Mueller & the 13 Angry Democrats to do a new Mueller Report, Democrat Edition. Bob will get to the bottom of it!”
Although Sanders has gone to great trouble to present himself as the anti-establishment candidate in the Democratic Party, his policies are anything but. For example, when asked about the assessment of the intelligence community, presented last week to the House Intelligence Committee headed by the unbalanced anti-Trump fanatic, Adam Schiff, that Russian President Vladimir Putin is again meddling to support him and Trump, Sanders had the following response:
“Unlike Donald Trump, I do not consider Vladimir Putin a good friend. He is an autocratic thug who is attempting to destroy democracy and crush dissent in Russia. Let’s be clear, the Russians want to undermine American democracy by dividing us up and, unlike the current president, I stand firmly against their efforts, and any other foreign power that wants to interfere in our election. I don’t care, frankly, who Putin wants to be president. My message to Putin is clear: stay out of American elections, and as president I will make sure that you do.”
It has been clear from his statements on the campaign trail, supporting the articles of impeachment against the President, that Sanders fully accepts the discredited theories fabricated against Trump in the fairy tales of Russiagate and Ukrainegate.