Ontario Pushes for Small Modular Reactors for Energy, Cancels Wind and Solar Plans
March 9, 2020 (EIRNS)—A growing call for the use of nuclear small modular reactors (SMR) is coming from the Canadian hinterlands. In December 2019, the provinces of Ontario, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick issued a memorandum of understanding declaring that the three would, “work together to explore new, cutting-edge technology in nuclear power generation to provide carbon-free, affordable, reliable, and safe energy, while helping us unlock economic potential across Canada, including rural and remote regions.”
The Province of Ontario has now passed a motion declaring that it “will count nuclear power, including technology that’s at least 10 years from deployment, as a clean energy answer to tackle climate change,” according to a March 5 report in the National Observer. The wording is specifically in reference to SMR nuclear technology, designed to be self-sufficient, thus perfect for rural applications. The motion was introduced by Member of Provincial Parliament Lindsey Park, whose district (or, riding) includes the Darlington nuclear power plant, currently undergoing a CAN$12.8 billion refurbishment.
Led by Progressive Conservative Party member Doug Ford, the provincial government of Ontario has also reportedly cancelled more than 700 wind, solar and other so-called “clean energy” projects, including two wind farms that were mid-construction. According to the Observer, Ontario “has also dismantled the cap-and-trade system that put a provincial price on pollution and funded a range of green initiatives, and is taking its fight against the federal carbon price to the Supreme Court.”