COVID-19 International Spread: Ten U.S. States Declare Emergency, Virus Recedes in China
March 10, 2020 (EIRNS)—Officially confirmed cases of COVID-19 are now reported in nearly 100 countries. All nations of Europe have cases.
In the United States, COVID-19 is present now in 35 states. The top four hotspot areas for community transmission are New York, Washington, California and Florida. Massachusetts may be next in line. Ten states have made emergency declarations: New York, Washington, California, Florida, Oregon, Utah, Missouri, Kentucky, New Jersey, and the latest, Massachusetts, whose Gov. Charlie Baker made the designation today. In New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo deployed the National Guard today to a health department facility in New Rochelle, a suburb of New York City, where 108 cases have been reported.
In China, with the number of new cases in decline, the amazing temporary logistics can now be scaled back. Today, the last of the 14 temporary hospitals in Wuhan was closed. President Xi Jinping personally visited various sites in the city this morning. The view of Zhou Jing, cardiologist at Tongji Hospital, is that this outbreak of the epidemic in China will have abated within a month, according to his remarks on CGTN today. His institution is part of the Huazhong University of Science and Technology.