National Intelligence Estimate Confirmed LaRouche’s 1973 Biological Holocaust Forecast 20 Years Ago
March 13, 2020 (EIRNS)—Soon after Nixon pulled the plug on the dollar and the Bretton Woods system on Aug. 15, 1971, Lyndon LaRouche forecast a depression, the threat of global war, and a biological holocaust. All would result from the intentionally imposed decline in living standards, including especially nutrition and public health delivery access. In 1974 he formed a Biological Holocaust Task Force to develop likely results and the means to reverse the pending disaster.
In the late 1990s, the National Intelligence Council (NIC) took it upon itself to do some real intelligence—namely, a study which resulted in the January 2000 report: “The Global Infectious Disease Threat and Its Implications for the United States,” under the auspices of David F. Gordon, National Intelligence Officer for Economics and Global Issues. The primary drafters were Lt. Col. (Dr.) Donald Noah of the Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center and George Fidas, Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Global and Multilateral Issues, NIC. The report fully confirmed LaRouche’s dire forecast, but ignored his proposed solutions, leaving us to face a Dark Age.
This National Intelligence Estimate took as its frame of reference the coming 20 years—i.e., to the current time—and reflected back to 1973, the precise year of LaRouche’s forecast. The “Key Judgments” included:
“Twenty well-known diseases—including tuberculosis (TB), malaria, and cholera—have reemerged or spread geographically since 1973, often in more virulent and drug-resistant forms. At least 30 previously unknown disease agents have been identified since 1973, including HIV, Ebola, hepatitis C, and Nipah virus, for which no cures are available.... Acute lower respiratory infections—including pneumonia and influenza—as well as diarrheal diseases and measles, appear to have peaked at high incidence levels.”
The authors did not state that this confirmed the unheeded 1973 warnings of LaRouche. Their explanation for the crisis and escalating threat is not far off, although they provide no cause for the phenomenon they describe: “The dramatic increase in drug-resistant microbes, combined with the lag in development of new antibiotics, the rise of megacities with severe health care deficiencies, environmental degradation, and the growing ease and frequency of cross-border movements of people and produce have greatly facilitated the spread of infectious diseases.”
Interestingly, they note: “The doubling of U.S. food imports over the last five years [i.e., globalization, and NAFTA (1994) in particular] is one of the factors contributing to tens of millions of food-borne illnesses and 9,000 deaths that occur annually, and the trend is up.”
The authors acknowledge the extreme danger to the poor nations, and that advanced sector nations are also threatened—but, without addressing the root problem of forced backwardness, deindustrialization, and globalization: “Developing and former communist countries will continue to experience the greatest impact from infectious diseases—because of malnutrition, poor sanitation, poor water quality, and inadequate health care—but developed countries also will be affected.”
As LaRouche identified from the beginning, Malthusian depopulation was the intention of the destruction of Bretton Woods and the related “post-industrial” policies.