The Ongoing Whistleblower Coverup and Chief Justice Roberts
Jan. 30, 2020 (EIRNS)—In the Jan. 29, Wednesday night in the Senate impeachment question and answer period, Chief Justice John Roberts barred Sen. Rand Paul from asking a question about the whistleblower. The Democrats are aggressively pushing Roberts to act like a trial judge, and rule on witnesses and privileges, something which the Constitution does not countenance and which Senate impeachment rules specifically forbid. In an impeachment trial the Senators are both Judge and Jury, and the role of the Chief Justice is to be the Senate’s presiding officer, the same as the role of the Vice President on other occasions. This is so, because otherwise, the Supreme Court gets swept up in the political process, which is impeachment, and becomes discredited, as it was in Bush v. Gore.
The reason why the Democrats are pushing for Roberts to act this way, is because they think that Roberts, like everyone else in the swamp of Washington, D.C., hates the President. His politically correct ruling concerning Paul’s question certainly would seem to indicate that.
Yesterday, in an exchange, Jay Sekulow said that if the Democrats succeeded in calling John Bolton, Sekulow’s witness list would be Joe and Hunter Biden, the whistleblower, and Adam Schiff, and possiblyothers.
The President’s Deputy Counsel Patrick Philbin yesterday said that the whistleblower may have had a conflict of interest which ignited Ukrainegate: Namely, that he had a role in Biden/Burisma dealings in Ukraine that was ugly, and that he did not want to see it surface.