Xi Tells Macron and Merkel, All Nations Must Join To ‘Build a Community of Common Health for Mankind’
March 22 (EIRNS)—Chinese President Xi Jinping sent separate messages to President Emmanuel Macron of France and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, emphasizing China’s willingness to cooperate to “build a community of common health for mankind.” According to Xinhua, Xi wrote Macron that “the Chinese government and people firmly support France’s efforts against the COVID-19 epidemic, and stand ready to boost cooperation with France and jointly win the battle through mutual support and help.... China and France have a fine tradition of helping each other and sharing weal and woe in bilateral relations.” Xi emphasized that “public health security is a common challenge faced by humanity,” and that China wants to work with France “to enhance international cooperation in epidemic prevention and control, support the United Nations and the World Health Organization playing a core role in improving global public health governance, and build a community of common health for mankind.”
In a similar communication with Germany’s Merkel, Xi wrote that “public health crises pose a common challenge for humanity, and solidarity and cooperation are the most powerful weapon to tackle them.... Mankind is a community with a shared future, China stands ready to continue sharing information and experience with Germany, and strengthening cooperation in such areas as epidemic prevention and control, treatment of patients, and vaccine research and development, so as to jointly protect the health and well-being of people not only in both countries but in the rest of the world.”