In Phone Call, Trump and Xi Discuss Jointly Combatting COVID-19; ‘We’re Working Closely Together,’ Trump Says
March 27 (EIRNS)—Late last night (Friday Beijing time) Presidents Trump and Xi Jinping held a lengthy and productive phone call on bilateral cooperation in combatting the global coronavirus pandemic. Immediately following the call, the Trump tweeted that “I just finished a very good conversation with President Xi of China. Discussed in great detail the coronavirus that is ravaging large parts of our planet. China has been through much & has developed a strong understanding of the virus. We are working closely together. Much respect!”
Among the key points they discussed, as reported by Xinhua, was Xi’s report that China has always been, and would continue to be, committed to sharing information on COVID-19 in an open and responsible manner, both with the World Health Organization and with many countries, including the United States. He emphasized the need for concerted international cooperation, and said he is pleased with the results of the March 26 virtual summit of the Group of 20.
President Trump asked Xi for a detailed report on the measures China has taken to prevent and control the spread of the coronavirus, and said that what he has learned from China is very enlightening. He expressed the hope that the two can concentrate on working together against COVID-19, and not be distracted. For his part, Xi emphasized that U.S.-China relations are at an important juncture, and that both nations would benefit greatly from cooperation rather than confrontation. He called on the U.S. President to take “substantive action” to improve bilateral relations.
The Chinese President also said he is concerned about the development of the coronavirus in the U.S., and has taken note of Trump’s response. It is China’s hope, he said, that the U.S. will be able to contain the spread of the epidemic at an early date, to avoid large losses. Xi pointed out that there has been constant communication between both nations’ medical experts and health departments in recent months, and said that China will continue to share all relevant information with the United States. China, he said, understands very well what the U.S. is going through, and is prepared to provide whatever support it can.
Speaking to reporters today after signing the $2 trillion stimulus package that passed the House, Trump reported that in his call with Xi, “We talked about the experience that they had in China and all of the things that have taken place. And we learned a lot.”