Trump and Macron Discussed Having UNSC Permanent Five Meet To Address Coronavirus Pandemic
April 4, 2020 (EIRNS)—President Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron spoke by phone yesterday and “discussed convening P5 leaders soon to increase UN cooperation on defeating the pandemic and ensuring international peace and security,” according to a statement issued by the White House yesterday. The P5 refers to the five permanent members of the UN Security Council—the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France. President Macron’s office said that this would be “an important signal” in the face of a global pandemic that poses a particular threat in areas of armed conflict.
Back on Jan. 23, Russian President Vladimir Putin had similarly called on the P5 leaders to meet, to address Libya and other pressing global security problems. Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche has supported the intention of Putin’s call, while emphasizing that the most effective combination of great powers to address the global pandemic and financial crisis, and begin to construct a new global health, economic and security architecture, remains the Four Powers specified by Lyndon LaRouche: the U.S., China, Russia and India.