GM Set To Produce 30,000 Ventilators for U.S. National Stockpile by End of Summer
April 8, 2020 (EIRNS)—The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced its first contract for ventilator production under the Defense Production Act (DPA) this morning. General Motors is to deliver 30,000 ventilators to the Strategic National Stockpile by the end of August for just under $500 million. The first 6,132 ventilators are to be delivered by June 1.
HHS Secretary Alex Azar was quoted in an HHS press release today “Invoking the Defense Production Act to secure ventilator production from GM and other companies is a part of President Trump’s all-of-America approach to combatting the coronavirus.” He explained that creating the contract under the DPA allows HHS to help GM “get the supplies they need to produce ventilators as quickly as possible, while also ensuring that these ventilators are routed through the Strategic National Stockpile to where they’re needed most.”
GM, for its part, issued its own statement, emphasizing that
“GM and Ventec Life Systems are working with speed and urgency to arm front-line medical professionals with the critical care ventilators they need to treat seriously ill patients. GM is proud to deploy its purchasing and manufacturing capability alongside the respiratory care expertise of Ventec. We remain dedicated to working with the Administration to ensure American innovation and manufacturing meet the needs of the country during this global pandemic.”