Another Case of ‘Enormous Evidence’? CrowdStrike Testimony Released: No Hack of DNC
May 8, 2020 (EIRNS)—Internet security firm CrowdStrike Services, which oversaw the investigation of the alleged Russian hack of the Democratic National Committee’s servers, never possessed direct evidence that Russia actually stole any files from the DNC.
The House Intelligence Committee learned this way back in December 2017, when they interviewed CrowdStrike Services President and Chief Security Officer Shawn Henry, and he told them: “We did not have concrete evidence that data was exfiltrated from the DNC.” The Intelligence Committee knew this the whole time. Robert Mueller knew this the whole time. But it was kept secret from the public until yesterday’s release of declassified versions of 53 interviews conducted by that committee. So, not only was “Trump colluded with Russia” proven to be a lie, but now there is proof, which was known to the coup plotters all along, that there was no Russian interference in the 2016 election.
This revelation is another devastating blow against the coup plotters, and takes place shortly after the government filed a motion to dismiss its case against former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.
Who is Shawn Henry? He worked at the FBI for over 24 years, and received his last promotion, to executive assistant director of the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch, from then-director Robert Mueller in 2010. He joined CrowdStrike the same month that he retired from the FBI in 2012. According to his CrowdStrike biography, Henry “oversaw half of the FBI’s investigative operations, including all FBI criminal and cyber investigations worldwide, international operations, and the FBI’s critical incident response to major investigations and disasters.”
CrowdStrike was hired by the DNC’s law firm to investigate a purported hack of the DNC’s computer network. Following their peculiar investigation, CrowdStrike concluded that it had “high confidence” that Russian adversaries had infiltrated the DNC’s computer system. To connect the e-mails released by WikiLeaks to a Russian hack of the DNC, Team Mueller pointed to “Guccifer 2.0,” an Internet persona who posted certain DNC documents and claimed to have hacked them from their computer system. Serendipitously for Mueller, Guccifer 2.0 left Russian “clues” just waiting to be discovered in the released files, clues akin to finding Vladimir Putin’s handkerchief at the scene.
WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange—still held in barbaric conditions in a British jail—has stated repeatedly that the files he released were not provided by Russia, nor by any state actor. Assange acknowledged that it was certainly possible that Russia (and others) had attempted to or succeeded in hacking the DNC network, but that such a hack had nothing to do with the material he released. NSA whistleblower Bill Binney reviewed publicly available forensic data, and concluded that Guccifer 2.0 was a fake, and that the files released by WikiLeaks contain metadata that points to their being gathered by a leak rather than a hack. Binney has given numerous interviews explaining his views.
With the declassification of the transcript, we can know read for ourselves what CrowdStrike had to say about whether Russia “exfiltrated” (transferred) material from the DNC computer network:
CrowdStrike Services President and CSO Shawn Henry: “We did not have concrete evidence that data was exfiltrated from the DNC, but we have indicators that it was exfiltrated.... But in this case, it appears it was set up to be exfiltrated, but we just don’t have the evidence that says it actually left.”
Congressman Chris Stewart: “You said, I believe, talking about the DNC computer, you had indications that data was prepared to be exfiltrated, but no evidence it actually left. Did I write that down correctly?”