Nebenzia Reminds Washington It Has No Rights under Iran Nuclear Deal, Since It Left the Agreement
May 13, 2020 (EIRNS)—Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia unambiguously stated Russia’s position that the United States has no right to trigger the “snapback” of UN economic sanctions on Iran as a result of Iran’s alleged violations of the 2015 nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. “To trigger a snapback, you have to be a participant of the JCPOA,” he said.
“In May 2018, exactly two years ago, the U.S. proudly announced that it withdrew from JCPOA and closed the door behind. Now they knock on that door and say ‘just wait a second, we forgot to do one little thing on the JCPOA. Let us back, we will do it and leave again.’ This is ridiculous. You know, in order to be able to use the instruments provided by JCPOA you first have to be a participant of the JCPOA. The U.S. has not been an effective participant of the JCPOA for two years now.”
His question to the U.S., Nebenzia demanded, was “What will the U.S. gain triggering the snapback? Because snapback would definitely be the end of the JCPOA.” The U.S. objective is the end of the JCPOA, on the theory that ending the agreement will force Iran to negotiate a new agreement more favorable to the U.S. “They have to really weigh whether it brings more benefits than negative effects,” Nebenzia went on. “On the JCPOA itself, for me it is unequivocal. U.S. is not a member and it has no right to trigger the mechanism.”
Nebenzia responded to a follow-up question that he didn’t even see any reason to continue the UN arms embargo on Iran. “For us it’s clear, it expires on Oct. 18,” he said. “We proceed from that fact.”