World Health Assembly Overcomes McCarthyite Counter-Operations
May 19, 2020 (EIRNS)—The 73rd meeting of the World Health Assembly (WHA) took place on May 18-19 online. Despite the outrageous anti-China and anti-World Health Organization diatribe in the “Trump letter,” the forum included the majority of the world’s health experts and political leaders, gathered to meet the COVID-19 crisis and counter the “politicization” of the crisis. The effort by the British Empire’s “Five Eyes” intelligence conglomerate to pass a resolution calling for an immediate “independent investigation” of the response by China and the WHO to the coronavirus, the forum instead voted up a resolution calling for an investigation led by the WHO, once the pandemic is under control, for the purpose of “lessons learned,” rather that attempting to demonize China and the WHO. It further stated that “an imperfect and evolving understanding” of the virus was not unusual with the emergency of a new disease, and rejected the “rising politicization of pandemic response,” which it also said was hindering the response.
In his speech, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called on all nations to
“do everything it takes to ensure that the 2020 coronavirus pandemic is never repeated. The world does not lack the tools, the science, or the resources to make it safer from pandemics. What it has lacked is the sustained commitment to use the tools, the science and the resources it has. That must change, and it must change today.”
He further stated that the world could no longer afford the “short-term amnesia” that had characterized the global response to health crises in the past, calling for a comprehensive framework to be established to facilitate pandemic preparedness around the globe.
China’s Global Times observes today that the U.S. administration’s insistence on a political agenda, including seeking Taiwan’s entry to WHA as an observer, “cast a shadow over the WHO’s annual meeting.” The WHA decided to delay until later this year a vote on granting Taiwan observer status.
Several world leaders addressed the 194 member states at the WHA’s annual meeting. In his speech, U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar (Trump chose not to address the meeting) didn’t name China by name, but warned that “we must be frank about one of the primary reasons this outbreak spun out of control. There was a failure by this organization to obtain the information that the world needed and that failure cost many lives.”
Global Times repeated China’s claim that the U.S. attack on China is an effort to cover up “the failure of the Trump Administration in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in his own country,” which misses the more dangerous reality of the British Empire effort to provoke confrontation or even war between the U.S. and China.