China Places Life Above All Else in Coronavirus Pandemic
June 11, 2020 (EIRNS)—At an event sponsored by the China-Forum Berlin, China’s Ambassador to Germany Shi Mingde underscored that China places human life above all other considerations in the coronavirus pandemic, and emphasized that the Chinese system has enabled the country to dramatically reduce poverty.
Held on June 10, the webinar was entitled “China and the World—Together or against Each Other, Noble in Mind and Action or Shameless—Those Are the Questions in and after the COVID-19 Crisis.”
Shi said we are in a world crisis, in which coronavirus represents a challenge for every society. The virus doesn’t know borders, different political systems, etc. The international community is at a crossroads: either unilateralism or multilateralism, either isolation or globalization, and either confrontation or cooperation.
Shi underscored that China was, is, and will be a socialist country with Chinese characteristics. This system allowed China to overcome poverty. This system allowed China to master the coronavirus crisis. China considers human life above everything else, above economic interests. The Chinese population demonstrated its unity in the lockdown. The country will create 9 million new jobs this year (13 million 2019). China will end poverty in the country this year.
On relations with the U.S., Shi said there were continuing problems, but until the elections in November, China thinks there will be no change for the better.
In response to a question from the moderator on Hong Kong, Shi made clear that to begin with, it is an internal affair of China’s policy for “One Country, Two Systems.” That is not and will not be changed. Foreign policy, internal security and defense are obligations of the central government, just as in Germany, where the states have their autonomy in other fields. The security of Hong Kong as an important financial center must be protected, Shi said.