U.S. Needs a New Economy, 50 Million New Jobs Rebuilding the World
June 20, 2020 (EIRNS)—After meeting with families of the victims of police killings on June 17, President Trump was asked by a Wall Street Journal interviewer on what he could do for them, and to bring Americans together. He replied, “It’s leadership. But I want to bring the economy back, [and] if I can bring the economy back,... we’re gonna have families where life is going to be a lot easier. Their life is just going to be better.”
That, dear reader, is your job, too. In the United States, the LaRouche Political Action Committee has taken this task. The task now is not to bring back the same deindustrialized, low-wage economy with a few more manufacturing jobs. It won’t come back. For the U.S. domestically, the task is a new economy that can create 50 million new, productive jobs in a generation, starting immediately with creating of a new hospital and health-care system worldwide to fight the pandemic, and a new space program. Not just a return to the Moon, but an industrialization of the Moon and low-Earth orbit, and a then mission to Mars on rockets powered by fission and fusion propulsion.
The tiny attempts to “reopen the economy” in the U.S. are not making a dent in the collapse there. The combination of mass unemployment and forced part-time employment has not budged from the level of 43–44 million Americans for the past two weeks while “opening up” produced nothing but more COVID-19 cases. Disproportionately, those are Black and Hispanic workers unemployed or on forced part-time work. The U.S. Federal Reserve, which has saved Wall Street and London banks and financial markets to the tune of $4 trillion in a few months, is still not lending to the households or businesses of the country, nor are the Wall Street banks. A quarter of small businesses in the country are closed, more than 40% of Black-owned small businesses are closed.
No amount of cultural aggression or cultural self-abasement is going to do this. It requires going back to the best of the American System of economics, and building a new economy. President Trump’s expressed wish to “make their lives better” needs LaRouche PAC’s program, along with the Schiller Institute’s organizing of an international “chorus” of demand for a summit of the major powers to create a new credit system. It aims to create more than 1 billion jobs worldwide for currently non-productive “informal workers,” and to provide the new health-care system to save many millions of lives from the pandemic. Not just new hospital systems and far more food production, which are the emergencies. But really, “Tennessee Valley Authority” projects all over the world, meaning health care, electric power at industrial standards, fresh water supplies, flood control and irrigation, fast transportation, and education. This is the link to 50 million new productive jobs in the United States in a generation, driven by those aggressive space and science crash programs.” The late Lyndon LaRouche, for 50 years, described how to do this, designing great infrastructure projects, 40–50 years of development for many nations, and Moon and Mars colonization missions.
LaRouche PAC insists it can be done now, with this program, “The LaRouche Plan To Reopen the U.S. Economy: The World Needs 1.5 Billion New, Productive Jobs.”
Another major organizing meeting occurs in one week:
The Schiller Institute will hold a major international conference on June 27, “Will Humanity Prosper, or Perish? The Future Demands a Four-Power Summit Now.” It will be held over the Internet, and will consist of three panels; simultaneous interpretation will be provided into Spanish, French, German, and possibly other languages. Helga Zepp-LaRouche today urged all members and supporters of the Schiller Institute to concentrate on organizing for the event over the remaining eleven days until June 27, and for people to RSVP here.