Brazilian President Bolsonaro Tests Positive for Coronavirus—No Surprise Here
July 7, 2020 (EIRNS)— Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who has described the coronavirus as just a “little flu,” and refused to take precautions himself or enforce them for his population, often mingling in large crowds and hugging and shaking hands with supporters, has tested positive for coronavirus. He announced in a TV interview today that he hadn’t been feeling well for a few days so decided to get tested.
But, the 65-year-old told reporters that after taking a few doses of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, “I feel perfectly fine, I’m really fine and I’m ready to go back to work.” He said he’d be working remotely for the time being, and would follow all necessary protocols.
According to the BBC, Bolsonaro attended a July 4 celebration at the U.S. embassy, after which Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo posted a photo on social media showing himself and Bolsonaro sitting together with U.S. ambassador Todd Chapman. No one is wearing masks. Chapman has now been tested and is awaiting results as is Araújo.
Former Health Minister Luis Henrique Mandetta, who was fired by Bolsonaro last April because Mandetta insisted on enforcing safety protocols, told Globonews that Bolsonaro “flirted with coronavirus contagion” with his “imprudent” behavior, and that as minister “I always insisted there be a biosecurity protocol” for people who served as ministers or in top-level positions. He did nonetheless wish Bolsonaro a speedy recovery, as did the World Health Organization today.