Lavrov: P5 Members Must Discuss Inadmissibility of Nuclear War
July 11, 2020 (EIRNS)—Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in his July 10 address to the Primakov Readings forum titled “Russia and the Post-COVID World,” stressed that one of the items on the agenda for the summit of the Permanent Five members of the UN Security Council that Russian Vladimir Putin is organizing, must be the inadmissibility of nuclear war.
“We ... are particularly concerned about the Americans’ refusal to reaffirm the fundamental principle that there can be no winners in a nuclear war, and, consequently, it must never be unleashed,” Lavrov said. “Of course, we will promote this subject—the inadmissibility of a nuclear war, the impossibility to win it—in the context of the upcoming summit of the five as well.”
Lavrov reported that Russia is ready to continue contacts with the U.S. on matters of strategic stability. “We are ready for a situation where, as a result of the United States’ consistent policy aimed at destroying all these agreements, no arms control accords will be left,” he said. “We are ready not to start from scratch, but continue contacts on all strategic stability issues with the Americans.”
However, Lavrov stressed, Russia is prepared to ensure its own security, should the U.S. allow the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) to lapse, though he declined to discuss what measures Russia would take in that case. “I can assure you that our general aim would be to continue strategic dialogue with the U.S.A., as well as the dialogue on new arms control means in the context of all factors affecting strategic stability,” he said. Lavrov stated that Russia will not try to convince the United States to prolong the treaty. “If they categorically decline, we won’t try to convince them.... We need this treaty to be prolonged to the same extent as the Americans. Right now, they see our calls to prolong it for five or some number of years without preconditions as some sort of game.”
However, Lavrov added that Russia is ready to discuss the control over new types of weapons not falling under a New START. “We are ready to begin a discussion about the types of weapons that are not “classic” under New START. Naturally, this will be within the discussion of all issues affecting strategic stability in some way or form,” he said, adding that Russia’s motivation is to “lower the threat to global stability and security.”