Steele’s Subsource Outed, Brookings Targeted
July 26, 2020 (EIRNS)—Internet sleuths, working with the redacted FBI interview provided by the Department of Justice to the Senate Judiciary Committee, have identified MI6’s Christopher Steele’s “primary subsource” in his dirty dossier concerning President Donald Trump.
He is Igor “Izzy” Danchenko and, contrary to the steady diet of fake news peddled to the American population, he is not some deep Russian agent working closely with Vladimir Putin. Danchenko’s identity was confirmed by his lawyer to the New York Times.
Instead of being a deeply placed Russian operative, Danchenko is a paid employee of Christopher Steele’s Orbis Business Intelligence, living right here in the U.S.A., with a long association with the Brookings Institution right here in Washington, D.C. Danchenko, born in Ukraine and educated in Russia, used his group of high school and college friends in Russia to create the hot, false, completely defamatory and salacious legends and gossip about Trump and Putin, which much of the U.S. and world elite proceeded to swallow whole and endlessly regurgitate to the public.
The FBI interviewed Danchenko in late January of 2017 and Danchenko told them, in effect, that Steele had perpetrated one of the biggest intelligence hoaxes in history concerning President Donald Trump. Knowing this, the top levels of the FBI and the Department of Justice continued their Trump/Russia inquisition, continuing the use of the fake dossier to predicate FISA spying operations against the Trump Presidency and arranging the appointment of Robert Mueller, in May 2017. Mueller and his gang of Democratic Party lawyers conducted a three-year Trump/Russia investigation, predicated on Steele’s fake dossier, aimed solely at delegitimizing the Trump Presidency and terrorizing and prosecuting any individual who chose to join the Trump Administration.
The Christopher Steele hoax is only equaled by the “Russians hacked the DNC and delivered the documents to WikiLeaks” hoax which has been thoroughly debunked by former NSA Technical Director William Binney and his team. Again, this hoax has been disproven by Binney’s forensic studies in 2017-2019, but also by the DNC’s vendor, CrowdStrike, in its testimony to the House Intelligence Committee as of December 2017. With evidence pointing to the CIA’s Vault 7, Marble Framework as the source of the Russia hack legend, the CIA, under Mike Pompeo and Gina Haspel went on a jihad against WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange, arranging his imprisonment in order to prevent the actual source of the WikiLeaks 2016 files from the DNC and John Podesta from being known and to continue to perpetrate the Russian hacking hoax. Binney and Kurt Wiebe, another former NSA analyst, made this abundantly clear in a widely attended press conference convened by the Schiller Institute on July 23rd.
As summarized by Paul Sperry and RealClearInvestigations, Steele’s primary subsource:
“Danchenko, was arrested, jailed, and convicted on multiple public drunkenness and disorderly conduct charges in the Washington area. A 2013 drunkenness case against Danchenko was prosecuted by then-U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein, who ended up signing one of the FBI’s dossier-based wiretap warrants as deputy attorney general in 2017.
• “Interview notes from a 2017 FBI interview with Danchenko report that he confessed he had no inside line to the Kremlin and was ‘clueless’ when Steele hired him in March 2016 to investigate ties between Russia and Trump and his campaign manager.
• “Desperate for leads, he told the FBI, he turned to a ragtag group of Russian and American journalists, drinking buddies, including one who’d been arrested on pornography charges.
• “Strobe Talbott, a former Clinton Administration official who was president of Brookings, passed along a copy of his anti-Trump dossier to Fiona Hill who worked closely with Izzy and later joined the Trump Administration National Security Council.
• “Talbott’s brother-in-law is Cody Shearer, another old Clinton hand who disseminated his own dossier in 2016, which echoed many of the same lurid and unsubstantiated claims against Trump.
• “In August 2016, Talbott personally called Steele, based in London, to offer his own input on the dossier he was compiling from Danchenko’s feeds.
• “After Trump’s surprise win, Talbott and Steele strategized about how they should “handle” the dossier going forward.”
The internet sleuths point to Danchenko authoring papers not just with Fiona Hill, a key witness in the Trump Ukrainegate impeachment farce, but also with Hill’s colleague at Brookings, Cliff Gaddy. They document that Gaddy played a major role in mentoring Danchenko while at Brookings. Gaddy and Hill are authors of the faulty handbook employed by most of the U.S. intelligence community and Joe Biden to analyze Putin’s background and motives, Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin.
House Intelligence Committee ranking member Rep. Devin Nunes, appearing on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” on July 26th, called for a full-scale investigation of Brookings’ operations in the insurrection against Donald Trump including examination of the think-tank’s tax- exempt status. Nunes pointed not only to Talbott’s role with Steele but also to the Lawfare blog associated with James Comey crony Benjamin Wittes, which has played a major role in turning lawyers into an insurrectionary force against the President. Lawfare is associated with Brookings. It would be hoped that Nunes would extend his investigations to such other keystone British imperial institutions as the Atlantic Council, which has been a central coordinating center for the insurrection against Trump.