Hook Gets the Hook—from Bad to Worse
Aug. 6, 2020 (EIRNS)—The State Department announced today that Brian Hook, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo‛s Special Representative for Iran and Senior Advisor is resigning. Pompeo said in a statement that Hook “has been my point person on Iran for over two years and he has achieved historic results countering the Iranian regime.” Today‛s announcement comes just as the U.S. is heading into a showdown at the UN Security Council on the arms embargo sanction on Iran.
No reason has been given for Hook‛s departure, but much of the news coverage states that the administration‛s “maximum pressure” policy against Iran has not yielded any success on forcing Iran to concede to new negotiations on its nuclear program.
Hook is being replaced by raging neocon Elliott Abrams, who has been and will also continue to be in charge of the Venezuela regime-change policy, which so far has also failed miserably. Abrams infamously pleaded guilty to lying to Congress in 1991 and subsequently was pardoned by then-President George H.W. Bush.