Pompeo Tries To Argue, China Economic and Military Presence Will Destabilize Iran and Middle East
Aug. 9, 2020 (EIRNS)—Last night, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted against China being in the Middle East, with this message, on the eve of the 15-nation summit this morning on joint aid for the Beirut explosion crisis. President Donald Trump participated personally in the videoconference summit, as he had said he would. “China’s entry into Iran will destabilize the Middle East. Iran remains the world’s largest state sponsor of terror, and to have access to weapons systems and commerce and money flowing from the Chinese Communist Party only compounds that risk for that region.” This statement is not surprising, coming from Pompeo, given his British geopolitical cohorts, but the message is especially provocative given that China and Iran are working on economic accords involving oil and big-infrastructure, whose details have recently been made known.
Another of Pompeo’s tweets Aug. 3 stressed his campaign for his new global bloc in the name of “democracy” against China, which he refers to as the Chinese Communist Party. He wrote, “The tide is turning—not only here in the United States but all across the world. The threat from the Chinese Communist Party is becoming clear, and nations that are like-minded are beginning to come together to push back against this and to protect our freedom and democracy.” Further wrapping himself in the flag, he tweeted this morning, about his testimony last week before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee: “@SecPompeo before the @SenateForeign Relations Committee: On authoritarian threats, we have evaluated the world with the same realism that the American founders did.”