Lozansky Calls for Rethinking U.S.-Russia Policy Around Silk Road Projects and Space
Aug. 15, 2020 (EIRNS)—Dr. Edward Lozansky, Russian émigré, responded in the Aug. 13 Washington Times to the Aug. 5 “Open Letter” in Politico Magazine, signed by 103 American foreign policy experts and former ambassadors to Russia, which stated that “the risk of a military confrontation that could go nuclear is real again”; and that “We are drifting toward a fraught nuclear arms race, with our foreign-policy arsenal reduced mainly to reactions, sanctions, public shaming and Congressional resolutions.” Lozansky, president of the American University in Moscow, also quotes the letter, that “we believe that a careful, dispassionate analysis and change of our current course are imperative.”
Lozansky agrees that the deterioration in the U.S.-Russia relations is real, but America shares the blame, citing the “hot wars” in Southwest Asia and North Africa. He points to the “Many accusations used to impose an avalanche of sanctions” on Russia, in particular, Russia’s alleged hacking of the DNC servers in 2016. But, he counters that former NSA Technical Director
“Bill Binney has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the data from these servers were downloaded onto a thumb drive internally, not hacked from the outside. Besides, since no one disputes the authenticity of the content of the stolen materials published on WikiLeaks, it is most likely that the culprit was a whistleblower who wanted to disclose mega-corruption practices at the DNC.”
Lozansky also says, regarding the Skripals’ poisoning in Britain in March 2018: “There is a long list of experts, like former British Ambassador Craig Murray, who spent a lot of time researching this case and pointed to possible other non-Russian perpetrators of this crime.” And then there is Christopher Steele’s discredited Russiagate dossier, which was “actually a product of the Clinton Campaign/DNC/British Intelligence/Brookings Institution collusion.”
He notes that some of the signers do recognize the current danger, and that they urge for renewing the New START Treaty and Open Skies Treaty. But, he continues, “They could have gone further in that regard, though, by including New Silk Road infrastructure projects across Asia, Africa, Africa, Europe and the Middle East, where the Arab and African worlds are crying out for reconstruction, long-term planning, stability and hope.” He points also to cooperation in the Health Silk Road, the Arctic and space, citing Artemis mission to begin colonizing the Moon, and on to Mars.