Media Grab for the Valium, as Trump Affirms ‘No Proof Yet’ Navalny Was Poisoned, or Russia Did It
Sept. 5, 2020 (EIRNS)—President Donald Trump responded to a media question at his press conference yesterday, on “What do you think should be done to Russia,” about the German hospital’s allegation that Alexei Navalny was poisoned. The reporter didn’t say Russia poisoned Navalny, but nonetheless implied some “message” had to be sent to Russia.
The President gave the issue short shrift, replying:
“Well, I think we have to look at it very seriously if that’s the case, and I think we will. There’s nobody been tougher on Russia than I have. We get along. I get along with almost all countries.
“I get along with North Korea. Remember?... If Hillary got elected, you’d be at war right now with North Korea. That would be a very messy war, a very bad war. Many millions of people would be killed....”
He continued to list his peace initiatives, drawing down troops in Afghanistan, getting the U.A.E. to recognize Israel. “At the same time, with Russia, we’re right now negotiating a nuclear nonproliferation treaty, which is very important. It’s a very important thing. To me, it’s the most important thing. Some people say ‘global warming’; I don’t. I say this is far more important.”
And then, Navalny:
“I don’t know exactly what happened. I think it’s tragic, it’s terrible, it shouldn’t happen. We haven’t had any proof yet, but I will take a look,” he said. “I would be very angry if that’s the case, so we’ll take a look at the numbers and the documents, ’cause we’re going to be sent a lot of documents over the next few days.... I think we have to look at it very seriously, if it’s the case. And I think we will.”