Martin Sieff Publishes Timely Article on President McKinley’s Assassination
Sept. 7, 2020 (EIRNS)—Martin Sieff, former chief foreign correspondent for UPI, and a speaker at the Sept. 5-6 Schiller Institute Conference, published an article in Strategic Culture Sept. 6 on the anniversary of the assassination of President McKinley in 1901 by anarchist Leon Czolgosz, a follower of terrorist Emma Goldman, in Buffalo, New York, on Sept. 6, 1901. Sieff treated the assassination as “an earlier presidential coup” which resulted in years of British-controlled American administrations. The title of his article was: “The Anarchist Assassination of U.S. President William McKinley and Its Links to the Murder of Tsar Alexander II.”
He wrote,
“Like Tsar Alexander, McKinley was no evil tyrant but a successful reformer who had decisively improved terrible living conditions for scores of millions of people. He restored the U.S. economy by reviving the ‘national system’ of previous presidents such as Abraham Lincoln and James Garfield (both also assassinated). He especially increased industrial tariffs to keep British and German industries from undermining the U.S. industrial base with floods of subsidized and artificially supported ‘dumped’ exports.”
Sieff showed that Alexander Kropotkin, the best-known anarchist in America and a controller, along with the British-deployed Emma Goldman, of Czolgosz, made repeated visits to the small city of Buffalo in the months prior to McKinley’s trip on which he was killed. And that Theodore Roosevelt, who succeeded apparently by chance, having just been pushed into the Vice Presidency by Wall Street pressure, melded American policy in Europe, Africa, and Asia completely with British imperial objectives.
These events have been written about previously by EIR; but Sieff clearly implies that now the scenario may apply to another American President—the first since McKinley who has publicly talked about the American System of economy.