Gen. H.R. McMaster Uncorks against Trump for Refusing To Keep Troops in Afghanistan Forever
Sept. 17, 2020 (EIRNS)—The next batter up in the British Empire promotion of military men arguing that President Donald Trump is a threat to the nation and the world, is Gen. H.R. McMaster, who replaced Michael Flynn as National Security Adviser from 2017-2018 and is a top protégé of the infamous Gen. David Petraeus. An interview with McMaster on “60 Minutes” by CBS News host Scott Pelley will be aired on Sunday, Sept. 20. Pelley, who had just interviewed Bob Woodward, has begun to preview the McMaster interview, telling CBS: “The first thing he did when he went in as National Security Adviser is change the President’s mind about Afghanistan. The President wanted out of Afghanistan and McMaster thought it was important that we maintain troops there. One of the things that we talk about in the story is how the President made this commitment to McMaster, made this commitment in public and then reneged a little over a year later.” (Which is supposed to be a “bad thing”?)
Recall that Gen. Jim Mattis, who reportedly told then-DNI Dan Coats that “there may come a time when we have to take collective action” against Trump, also broke ranks with his Commander-in-Chief over the issue of the perpetual wars, with Mattis openly sabotaging Trump’s orders to start pulling American troops out of Syria.
Pelley adds, fawningly about McMaster—who considers U.S. commitment to keep troops in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria to “generational”—
“He believes that the threat of terrorism here in the United States is far greater today than it was on 9/11.... And, one of the things you might not expect the National Security Adviser to talk about is climate change. McMaster believes it is an enormous threat to the security of the world and to the security of the United States.”